The Principles of Iblisism

"The Principles of Iblisism"
15 July 2024, Nar As-Samum

The Tenets and Precepts are primarily based on the outline of both the Christian and Islamic variant of the narrative, and secondarily, using the stated principles discussed and developed on p. 108 of the Tafseer-e-Siddiqui.

§ The Tenets of Iblisism: Based on the "Rifts" of both variants of the narrative.

Iblis has a door that leads to:

I. The Shadow of the Divine

§ The Precepts of Iblisism: Based on the numbered principles in link above.

Iblis can open doors by a key of:

a. The Narrow Precepts:

b. The Broad Precepts:

VII. Severance from the Placeless

The Tenets and Precepts are also linked from images on the main page.

The Iblisic Worldview, Narrative, and Pathway

Refer to thematic and topical boxes on right sidebar. The "Black Snake," by Mark Catesby.