Excerpts and Links to Iqbal's Texts

The following is a compilation of internal excerpts from Iqbal's texts. 

Iblis being violently fanned out of Paradise by Jibreel [Gabriel]: This
is from The Paradigmatic Exile within Banishment and Belonging

From The Book of Eternity: Iblis, leader of the people of separation, appears

Iqbal's "Jibreel-o-Iblees": The full text in English of the original Urdu poem

[1] In this book, Adam is presented and described as the paradigmatic exile. But it is worth remembering that it was Iblis that was the first being to be exiled.

The Iblisic Worldview, Narrative, and Pathway

Refer to thematic and topical boxes on right sidebar. The "Black Snake," by Mark Catesby.